Monday, May 19, 2014


Do you ever have one of those moments when it just suddenly dawns on you that a prayer has been answered?  Well I do and today I had one of those moments that suddenly I realized I had a prayer answered without me really noticing it.

I was in church and Fr. Dave was talking about God's presence in making difficult decisions and how often we pray for wisdom and clarity.  I was reflecting on the difficult decision that I had to make to leave the Maryknoll Lay Missioners in order to move to Joao Pessoa Brazil to live and work with the Maryknoll Sisters.  When suddenly I realized I had reached the moment of clarity that I had prayed for so many months ago.

It was New Years Eve and the sisters and I were taking a moment to pray for the up coming year.  In our prayer we went through each month and prayed for all we expected in the coming year.  I remember being really surprised that for the first time in my adult life I really had no idea of what my future would be.  Would I remain in Sao Paulo with the Lay Missioners, would I be able to move to Joao Pessoa or would I go home to stay?  This was the decision I needed to make.  And so for almost every month after March I prayed for clarity.

Today I realized I had that clarity.  My choice to leave the Lay Missioners was really hard and yet I know it was right.  I feel certain that I am called to move to Joao Pessoa.  I am assured that they are awaiting my return in June.  There are so many layers that make this a difficult time of transition. However, weaved into all the challenges lies hope.

Today I am grateful that the uncertainty I had on New Years Eve is transformed into clarity. I by no means have all the answers and yet every day one more thing falls into place which only confirms my decision.  I trust as I move through the months to come even more light will be cast upon my life that will only confirm my decision.  Funny thing is by surrendering and putting a lot of trust in God's call I have found a certainty that cannot be described.  I may not know how things will all work out and yet I know with certainty that they will and that I am on the right track.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

AFYA A New Chapter

This month I am home with family and friends in Oregon as I transition from my time in Sao Paulo with Maryknoll Lay Missioners to a new beginning working with the Maryknoll Sisters in Joao Pessoa, Brazil.  I feel very blessed to have had the experience I had working as a Maryknoll Lay Missioner for 2.5 years.  Now I look forward to a new beginning with the Maryknoll Sisters.  The video below is a glimpse of AFYA the holistic health center where I will work with the Sisters and Brazilian women.  You can check out the website to find out more about my new adventure.

Check out the website describing my new adventure.