Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Simple Living

The last couple of days I have been working on my will.  When reflecting on how I would leave my estate I began to realize what little I had left.  As many of you know I have sold almost all that I own in my preparation to serve the poor in Brazil.  Since I am living with my sister at this time I really want for nothing.  So it has not really sunk in yet that most of my possessions are gone.  Sure every now and again I go to find something and realize I don't have it any more.  Take today for example I was looking for my rosary for a funeral.  I was not sure where it was.  I know I did not get rid of it, I am sure I packed it in one of my boxes that I plan to keep.

Which leads me to a question for all of you.  If you were to scale down all that you own and just keep the most important things in your life how many boxes would you have left?  My magic number was 6. My criteria for keeping something was is it sentimental?  (OK I have to be honest the six boxes does not include my clothes, shoes, or computer that I am taking with me to New York, and then Brazil).

Now that I am at the point of taking the next step to New York and really embracing the simple life I have to admit I have found a lot of freedom in it.  I have the ability to be more mobile and not be tied down by things.  I am not saying that this life is for everyone.  Of course if you have a home and family you need things to survive.  But for me, for this time in my life I am learning what it is to trust and to let go.

I have let go of many things I have had for my entire adult life.  And even some items I have had my whole life.  I am challenged to worry less about the material things I will need and trust that I will have them when I need them.  And I will have them for the most part because of the generosity of others.  I have already began to experience that generosity from many people in my life.  From my family who has taken me in for a few months, to friends and family who have treated me to dinner or happy hour, and from a few who have offered me some money to cover some of my expenses as join Maryknoll Lay Missioners.  It is a very humbling experience for me. I am so use to taking care of myself and others.  It is hard at times to let others take care of me.

However, I am learning to embrace this simple life.  And I promise to use this gift and the generosity of so many to do my part to serve the poorest of the poor in the world.  I recognize that by giving to me others allow me to be free to serve others.  Simple living has challenged me to look at what matters in my life.  And for me it is not material goods, it is the relationships that shape my life.

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