Lessons I Have Learned
- Always pack a snack when you are traveling
- Tell people you love them
- Take pictures
- Laugh
- Cry
- Express your needs
- Follow your heart
- Share your passion
- Live your passion
- Ask questions
- Listen
- Dance
- Smile
- Pray
- Face your fears
- All things in moderation nothing in excess
- Family means more than the people who live in your house
- Celebrate seasons and holidays
- Everyone has a story to tell
- When in Rome.....
- Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today
- Care about others
- Take medicine as soon as needed
- Don't be bullied
- Choose your words wisely
- The sun is a healing force
- Be intentional about relationships
- Carry Kleenex in your pocket (you never know when the bathroom will be out of toilet paper)
- Check your pocket for Kleenex before you do your laundry
- Sing even if you don't have a good voice
- Forgiveness frees us
- Take time to sit on a bench
- Play
- Life can be hard
- Don't put love in a box
- There is more than one way to do things
- Tradition is important
- Life is an experience
- Not everyone learns the same way
- The world is both a small and big place
- Hope gives way to a new reality
- We all make mistakes
- A loyal and loving family is a blessing
- Real friends are one of the most important things a person can have
- Try to always be on time
- Dress for the occasion, when in doubt wear black pants
- If you act like you know what you are doing everyone else thinks you do know what you are doing
- If you have a relationship with Jesus, you are never alone
- Life is full of changes
- Travel whenever you get the chance
Great list - all very important!