Tuesday, February 12, 2013


“It's not hard to decide what you want your life to be about. What's hard is figuring out what you're willing to give up in order to do the things you really care about.”   (Shauna Niequist, Bread & Wine)

Perhaps it is because Lent begins tomorrow that lately I have been reflecting on the meaning of sacrifice.  I looked up the word sacrifice in my attempt to understand it better.  The dictionary talked about offering something to a higher power, the destruction or surrender of something for something else, or something given up or lost.  Honestly, that all sounded a little depressing to me.  So why is sacrifice important to this life?  To my life?

I guess if I am truly honest with myself my reflection on sacrifice comes from my daily life here in Brazil.  A lot of what I share on Facebook or in my blog is the exciting and meaningful times I have here.  The hard times are not something I chose to dwell on much.  But there are a lot of them.  Daily having people look at me like I am crazy or stupid when I struggle with the language. Having people judge me or the way I live out my faith because it may not be what they think it should be for a missioner.  And the hardest of all for me is being so far away from my family and friends.  When I get caught in these moments of struggle I tend to ask myself is it all worth it?  Is it worth my sacrifice and the sacrifice of those I love at home for me to be here?

The answer to this question is yes, that is why I am still here.  But why?  Honestly, I don't know exactly.  A lot of it is based on faith.  Faith that I have been called to be a missioner in Brazil.  That somehow my presence here will matter.  I really do care about helping the poor and marginalized in our world.  So strongly I was willing to give up a lot to move across the world to do what I can for others.  This is my sacrifice.

As I write the words above I hesitated because it makes me sound like I have just surrendered my life and not gotten anything in return.  Which would be untrue.  By surrendering to what I feel called too I have gained so much.  I have gotten to do things I have never dreamed about and I have learned more about the world and myself than I could have imagined.  I live a privileged life.  It may not be one of material means but I am humbled by all the people that have crossed my path in Brazil.  

I think to love is to sacrifice.  I can look at the lives of my brother and sisters and see what they have given for the sake of their children.  The same applies for my parents who have given so much for their family.  There are so many people across the world sacrificing their lives in the military for the love of country and the privilege of freedom.  And of course Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for all of us.  

So for now I believe that to love fully involves some sacrifice.  We are all called to it, some in our homes, some in our neighborhoods or work places, and some in places far away from home.  For some it just comes naturally and for others it takes times of reflection like Lent to consider what needs to be done to change.  Sacrifice should change us and the world around us for the better.  

So as Lent begins and I consider what I should do, I ask myself where I should sacrifice for the sake of love and peace.  Thank goodness for me that no longer involves giving up candy.  For me it begs the question where can I make a change in order to love more deeply and give more freely?

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