Saturday, May 28, 2011

Where Not Our Hearts Burning

In August 2010 I sat in a garden at Hotel Betsy in Peru and reflected on my experiences in Bolivia & Peru with CRS.  This trip changed my life and gave me the desire to do more. Below are some of the reflections which I wrote in that little garden and in the weeks that followed.

Where Not Our Hearts Burning
They walked two by two toward Emmaus
Searching for the answers to their questions
Jesus began to walk with them
He talked to them and they shared their stories
And as they broke bread the Son of God was revealed

We traveled the roads of Bolivia and Peru together
Searching for answers to our questions
Along the way many fellow travelers joined us
They told us their stories
They broke bread with us
And they revealed the Son of God to us

My heart is burning
Burning because I know I have walked with Jesus this week
My heart is burning with a desire for justice, for dignity and life for all people
My heart is burning because I have found my place, my being, my true self
My heart is burning because I long to engage in the relationship which will be the change
My heart is burning because I have sinned through greed and ignorance
My heart is burning because the world is so vulnerable
My heart is burning because I am vulnerable
My heart is burning because I am responsible
I am responsible for all we have met and those we did not
I am a voice
A voice for the voiceless
And yet I feel so small
My heart is burning because I have encountered Christ in the broken, damaged, frail, powerful, and resilient people I have encountered
My heart is burning because my friend Jesus walked beside me on this journey
Guiding me, challenging me, forgiving me, and loving me.

Living the Questions

I live the questions every day
Every breath I take encounters the questions
Each drip of water raises more questions
I tell the stories and stumble over the questions
They steal my sleep
They move and spin within me all day long
In searching for answers
I only find more questions
Just when I find a moment of peace and calmness
The questions hit me like lighting bolts and electrify my thoughts
Living the questions is living with unrest, uncertainty
Living the questions is living with faith
The questions may bring me to my knees
But it is on my knees that I find hope
As the questions haunt my days and my nights
I cling to faith and the hope it promises
I pray that my Hope, my Savior, my God, will lead me to the answers


Breathe in me oh God of Hope
Breathe in me oh God of Justice
Transform my broken heart
Transform my sadness into understanding
Console me as I grieve for your people
Console me as I grieve for your creation
Hold me in my despair
Hold me in my anger
I stand here stunned and confused
I stand here weeping
You are the one who can shed light on this despair
You are the one who can lead me out of this darkness
I surrender my confusion to you
I surrender my emptiness to you
I surrender
I surrender
I surrender
You are my way to hope
You are my way to forgiveness
You are my way to strength
You are my way