Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Give and Receive

One of the guiding principals of our work at AFYA with families and people seeking healing from traumas etc. is to give and receive.  Sounds simple but I have found in my life I am not always good at balancing these two principals.

During my 25+ years as a minister and almost 3 years as a missioner I find that I have spent a lot of my life giving to others.  Which is great and important.  However, I have not always been really good at receiving.  Which at times has caused me to be unhealthy.

For example, when I lived in Sao Paulo as a missioner I struggled for a really long time.  I wanted to be a missioner in Brazil and had the desire or calling to continue my work here.  But I was not finding a way to recharge my batteries and lacked a way to connect with what feeds my soul.  I was giving but not receiving.  I had no idea how important it was for me to have regular contact with nature.  The hectic lifestyle and pollution of a big city was not good for me. Because of this I suffered a lot of back pain, had more headaches, problems with astyma etc.  So I took the leap of faith and left the comfort of receiving a salary and support from Maryknoll Lay Missioners and moved to Joao Pessoa to live with the Maryknoll Sisters.  Here I am so much better.   Today I went and walked on the beach and worked in the garden.  As the water hit my legs it was almost like I felt the joy return to my body.  

I have learned it is so important to have these outlets so that I can stay healthy and balanced in order to serve others.  I see and experience some of the same things that I did in Sao Paulo.  Poverty, violence, people who suffer from lack of education and good health care.  I also witness lives of people who are loving, spiritual and very giving.  Some days are harder than others, but without an outlet for myself I would fall back into a pattern of giving and not receiving what I need.

These past few months have been a learning experience for me.  I am still surprised when I come in contact with nature of how life giving it is for me.  I have also learned to receive the generosity of people who have given money and support to help me stay in mission.  And I so grateful for the Maryknoll Sisters who have opened their home and hearts to me.  

My wish is that I continue on this journey of learning how to be balanced in giving and receiving. Also I wish for many of my friends who are ministers, missioners, mothers and fathers that they have the opportunity to examine their lives and see if they are balanced as well.  I know too many ministers who are unhealthy, overweight and stressed out because they are always giving to other people.  I can say this because I have been there.  But I can see now that this way of life is not good for them, their families or the people they serve.  

I plan to continue my journey to give and receive and live a more balanced life and I hope that we all can do this which in turn will make for a healthier, happier, world.  

A view from my walk on the beach today.  So life giving.